Sweet “Nothings” are Really Something: How to Woo Your Partner with Words and Affection

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Romantic sweet “nothings” are not really nothing if you mean the words you say. The right sayings said at the right time can make or break a relationship. Thoughtful non-verbal expressions can also do wonders as well.

Sweet romantic sayings have been known to benefit a relationship in one or more of the following ways:

—Pacify an argument: When a partner is seemingly irate, or showing disapproval, soft words can prevent a hateful exchange of words. Kind words in response to an angry tone can reassure your partner that you are truly his or her best friend, and not an enemy.

—To Demonstrate Appreciation: There is nothing that keeps a relationship alive than small compliments to show your partner that he or she matters to you. Showing appreciation more often than showing criticism can really strengthen your relationship, and can help you and your partner feel good about one another.

—To Help your Partner Feel Attractive and Loved: Everyone wants to feel physically attractive. More importantly, every person wants to feel loved. Expressing yourself by way of compliments and non-verbal affection can help your partner feel both attractive and loved. Sayings such as “I love you” or “I really like your hair like that” or “you look sexy in that new suit” can really spice up your relationship. Making your partner feel loved and attractive can improve your sex life as well.

—To Help Connect the Two of You Emotionally: Seductive brow lift, a gentle smile, and an outreached hand can help connect you emotionally with your partner. Cuddling together in bed or in front of a fireplace can also help you feel close to each other emotionally as well

Sweet “nothings” are often expressed while celebrating a special occasion such as an anniversary, birthday, or wedding. Valentine’s Day is often another day when sweet romantic sayings are expressed to a loved one. These ideas are often expressed along with a special gift on a romantic date, or during a time when your partner lest expects it.

Special occasions and surprises are important. However, remember that a relationship is a relationship every single day of the year. Besides the gifts and sweet nothings you give on special occasions, you should appreciate your partner any day of the year.

Along with that, couples need to remember that a relationship is more than just taking care of the children or providing for a family. It is about the two adults coming together to be one, and continuing to remain as one through every stage of life.

No matter what changes a couple goes through, remembering the sweet “nothings” is what will keep you together. The compliments, expressions of affection, and seductive talk will help you remember the love that brought you together in the first place.