How to Impress your Partner’s Parents

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You might be nervous as hell to meet your partner’s parents. You are not alone in this, and there are ways to ensure that you will indeed make a great impression.

If you want to make the best impression possible when meeting the people who could some day be your in-laws, the first thing to do is dress neatly. Also, make sure you take care while grooming yourself before the first meeting.

If the meeting with your partner’s parents is scheduled ahead of time you will want to make sure you arrive just on time. It would be even okay to be a few minutes early. Try not to show up more than five minutes before the time you are scheduled to be there in case the host is still making last-minute preparations.

If the dinner planned is at the home of the prospective in-law parents, make sure you compliment the cook. If the first meeting with your partner’s parents is at a restaurant make sure you mention what a great choice the restaurant is, or to think of something positive to say.

When greeting the parents for the first time, respectfully say hello and introduce yourself. If a hand is extended, feel free to respond with firm grip.

In addition, you will want to make sure you do not show up to meet the parents already inebriated and do not drive home from the home drunk. In fact, it is wise to watch the consumption of alcohol as you do not want to ruin your chance to make a first impression.

Moreover, you want to be careful to avoid telling crude jokes and spewing out profanity. There may be some very obvious exceptions, as when the personality of the in-law family warrants less-than-proper behavior. However, when in doubt be conservative in s speech.

You also will want to watch your posture. If you are sitting at a dining table, make sure you sit up as straight as possible.

Furthermore, make sure you do not overstay your welcome. A good cue that it is time to leave if they start walking you to the door or if any other guests present are about to leave. The obvious exception is if the parents ask you to stay to join in various fun indoor and outdoor activities.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. On the other hand, you may have put your best food forward and still felt as though you were treated with a certain amount of contempt.

Try not to take it personally, and continue to treat the prospective in-law parents with respect. They may be testing you, or they may be reluctant to accept you if their son or daughter has been hurt in relationship before.